Success starts with an accurate understanding of the problem.
Many factors can contribute to memory loss and cognitive difficulties. A comprehensive evaluation can provide a thorough and detailed picture of how and why someone is experiencing the difficulties and concerns that present themselves day in and day out.
Our goal is to accurately identify your present neuropsychological functioning so that a successful treatment plan can be developed. It is absolutely essential, though, to go through a standardized process in which we can objectively find a solution.
Not only is clinical intervention possible, countless research across the globe is demonstrating startling success of intervention. The results all point to happier and improved lives.
…and it all starts with an evaluation.
A Comprehensive Assessment is not only based on subjective observations, but it also provides an evaluation of deficits based on objective data. This way, potential sources of error are identified so that goals and strategies can be sought out as part of a solution. Due to the complex nature of cognitive function, personalized evaluation is essential in addressing each individual case. An evaluation is dependent on the particular issues, presenting problems, and assessment goals. However, there are some key components to a thorough evaluation.
Clinical Interview Time will be spent talking with the patient, family members, and colleagues. The interview is crucial in learning about your cognitive abilities, your family, and the environments in which you interact. Current concerns, history of those concerns, psychosocial functioning, developmental history, family history, academic history, medical history, and psychiatric history will all be explored and discussed.
Rating Scales are checklists that help to objectify observations of behavior, cognitive ability, and emotional/psychological functioning across a variety of settings. Rating scales are an important assessment of the patient’s adaptive functioning with input from family and/or colleagues.
As part of the information-gathering steps of the evaluation, it is important to provide your treating professional relevant records including (but not limited to) medical records and results of any previous psychological evaluation or testing. Medical conditions and medications, only by themselves, can cause cognitive impairment. Therefore, medical information is essential for sound neuropsychological analysis. This will help us pinpoint the underlying source of the problem by incorporating a medical incongruency or disregarding ‘background noise’ from secondary sources.
Neuropsychological and Psychological Testing can provide important objective information regarding how you process information. Testing provides information regarding intelligence, learning style, cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and behavioral and emotional functioning. Neuropsychological testing is crucially important in ruling out potential coexisting psychiatric or medical conditions, and gaining a thorough understanding of current cognitive abilities.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Testing (ADOS) The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) generates accurate assessments of autism and development disorders across all ages, language skills, cultural backgrounds and developmental levels. The ADOS is a standardized diagnostic assessment of social, imagination and communication skills of individuals who may have autism spectrum disorders.